Teaching and spiritual guidance arm of the church. Espousing and exposing the eternal word in life. Sunday school begins weekly at 9:45 AM
Male and female members providing praise and worship on 1st, 3rd, & 4th Sundays
Members organized to monitor and assist church members in the time of medical need during the worship services
A praise, worship, and tutoring group that mentors young girls and women into a victorious path of believing in themselves first; and aiding others to see their strengths in Christ and the sisterhood of strong women.
Organizing and providing nutrition and food services to the congregation during special services.
Servants of the body that maintain the physical and financial needs of the church.
Male ministry of children and adults in constant training how the duties of supporting and praying for the church family through benevolence, prayer, and visitations. This is a ministry working to set its younger members with a foundation of being honorable and above reproach
A prayer, benevolence and outreach ministry. Female ministry of children, and adult Circle #1 and Circle #2.
Female and male members from 5 years to 18 years old providing praise and worship on 2nd Sundays
Male and female members directing and organizing members during the worship service.
Servants to the church empowered by God to oversee the spiritual needs of the church members. The deacons are to support the ministry through prayer and tithing. They are the active male role models who the Jr. Laymen Ministry draw strength and direction